ECS partners with World Strides to provide students the opportunity to develop leadership skills through International Student Leadership Conferences. Past destinations have included Israel, England, Poland, China, Germany and many more. These conferences provide leadership training, travel experience, lessons in history and interaction with students from other Christian schools. Participating students have the opportunity to receive a designation on their transcript along with a special cord upon graduation. There is even an optional opportunity to earn high school credit by completing assignments before, during and after the trip.

Ability to participate in this program is by application only, and the available openings are very limited. This is intentional as to keep a low student to guide ratio in an attempt to move at a faster pace, and increase the attention to detail for each student.

If you are interested in this limited and prestigious opportunity, the first step is to contact Mrs. Slater at

SAVE THE DATE: March 14-20, 2024

London Calling – London, Oxford, Stonehenge, Stratford, Bath