Grades 5 & 6
This mixed choral group is open to students who enjoy singing. Chorus members learn note reading skills, two-part harmony singing, and blending their voices into a unified sound within a large group. They also learn responsibility and how to work toward group goals. Members of the Young Sentinel Singers are invited to audition for the Fine Arts Department’s annual spring musical.
Performances are considered a part of the course and include two concerts and an annual FACCS (Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools) competition.

Grades 7 & 8
In this mixed chorus the student learns to develop his or her singing ability and musicianship in the choral setting. Emphasis is given to proper vocal technique, choral technique, and music reading. The student learns rehearsal and concert etiquette, and responsibilities associated with membership in a performing organization. Choral literature of various forms and genres are performed.
Performances and an annual FACCS (Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools) competition are considered a part of the course, as well as participation in the Fine Arts Department’s spring musical. Students are also prepared to audition for FVA (Florida Vocal Association) All-State choirs.

Grades 9-12
In this advanced-level choir, students develop proper vocal technique, choral technique, and music reading. Emphasis is placed on age-appropriate musicianship, including rehearsal and concert etiquette, and responsibilities associated with membership in a show-choir-oriented performing organization. Choral literature of various forms and genres are performed.
Concerts, musical theater performance, other performances and an annual FACCS (Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools) competition are both elements and products of this course. Students are also prepared to audition for FVA (Florida Vocal Association) All-State choirs. DRESS CODE