Fall Athletics are underway! Cross Country, Golf, Football, Swim/Dive, and Volleyball have all begun competitions and they are off to a great start!
If your child is wanting to participate in athletics at ECS, this is a reminder that an Athletic Clearance account must be completed for the 2023-2024 school year. The Athletic Clearance manual will help walk you through this process. (Manual is attached)
As a reminder, the ECS Sports Website is a great hub for all sport schedules and information!


* Friday is the final day to purchase a Middle School Team shirt. These shirts may be worn with jeans on special days each month. Please click on the following link to purchase:
*Please remind your middle school student to bring a water bottle daily. It is very hot outside and students need to be drinking throughout the day. In addition, it is very important for your child to eat a healthy breakfast and bring a healthy snack to eat during 3rd period. Middle school has a late lunch period and having a mid-morning snack is helpful for students to stay focused on learning.
*Upcoming Dates:
9/1 – 1st Pep Rally of the new school year
9/7 – 8th grade Parent Night at 6:00 in the Fine Arts Theatre
9/18 – Yearbook pictures in school uniform


It’s been a busy three weeks in lower school. We had our Instrument Fair, Welcome Back Assembly, Accreditation Meetings/Observations, Chapels, Parent Meet & Greet, Reading Rockets Parade, and we are now planning for Community Helper Day and Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Our 4th and 5th grade Safety Patrol have been doing a wonderful job helping students and parents each morning and afternoon. They are truly a blessing to so many and we greatly appreciate each of them.

Our 5th grade Praise and Worship Team has begun practicing songs to teach us in Chapel. We have Chapel every Thursday at 8:15 in the gym. Parents are welcome to come and worship with us. Each month our campus chaplain and a selected grade level of teachers will join Mrs. Sample in teaching our character quality lessons. Our PE teachers helped this past week and we look forward to having our 5th grade teachers help next month.

SWFL Speech Therapy will be on campus September 5th-8th. Please see the flyers below for more information.

We have several parent service opportunities available for parents who like to help both on and off campus.

Please see the parent service opportunities flyer for more information.


Dear High School Families,

The 2023-2024 school year has gotten off to a great start. Students have quickly settled into routines. Activities and athletics are keeping everyone busy and great minds are at work! Thank you for sharing your students with us. We count it an amazing privilege and blessing to get to walk through this season of life with each student and family.


Mrs. Slater

High School Principal


Our Sentinel Spirit Shirt sale is currently underway. If you have not yet placed your order, you have a few more days to do so. Students who have purchased a Sentinel Spirit Shirt are able to wear their shirt with jeans on designated days each month. These shirts are in addition to the class shirts that are provided to each student. Our dress down day schedule will be coming out soon. Order forms and additional information were emailed out by Mrs. Castilla. They may also be picked up in the high school office. This shirt sale is a high school fundraiser. All proceeds go into our high school fund, enabling us to do many fun events and activities for our students and teachers. Order your Sentinel Spirit Shirts today!!


Registration for our senior trip to New York is now open. All seniors and senior parents should have received an email from Mrs. Slater with all of the details. Seniors, you do not want to miss this trip! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Slater.


We are pleased to announce that ECS will have yet another way for our high school students to receive additional recognition for their academic success. Beginning this school year, we have introduced the Principal’s List award. This recognition will be given to students in grades 9-12 who exhibit exemplary performance in the classroom. Although the requirements to achieve this award are lofty, this is an excellent opportunity to add to a student’s list of high school achievements. Achievements such as this are oftentimes beneficial when the college application process arrives. For details, please refer to the 2023-2024 Parent/Student Handbook.


We have many students who have displayed a Christ-like servant’s heart through various acts of service. Our goal is to recognize this positive behavior and share it with you! In keeping with our goal to give recognition where it is due, we are issuing merits to students who are being selfless, accountable, and who are showing integrity. We hope that as you receive these, you are encouraged about the great things that your students are doing at ECS!