As a reminder, the eligibility standards for the Step Up for Students program have been updated to include all Florida residents eligible to enroll in a K5-12 school. ECS will have a brief meeting on Tuesday, June 6th, for families new to Step Up for Students. During this time, we will be able to answer questions about how tuition billing will be handled with the scholarship. Please meet in the Fine Arts Theatre at 5:30pm.

New families should go to the appropriate page below to sign up to receive notifications from Step Up For Students:

  • FTC/FES-EO Interested Families: Click here for English or here for Spanish.
  • FES-UA Interested Families: Click here for English or here for Spanish.


  • A school can not create a student’s EMA account, complete a student’s scholarship application, submit documentation, or otherwise act on behalf of the parent/guardian. Doing so may result in the loss of the school’s participation and/or scholarship eligibility and funding for the student.
  • Any family experiencing trouble linking a renewal student or adding a new student to visit for support

High School News

Final exams:

Final exam week is next week! Monday is a regular school day. Students will be taking exams Tuesday-Thursday. Students may check out after their exams on Wednesday and Thursday without penalty. They must have a parent note to sign out early. Notes should be submitted to the high school office and students may sign out for the day at the high school desk. * All exams, including makeup exams, should be completed by 3:15pm on June 8th.

Student Schedules & Textbook Information:

While we realize that next school year isn’t something we may currently have in the forefront of our minds, it will be here before we know it. With that in mind, please keep an eye on your emails and the ECS websites for important information that we send out during summer. Student schedules will be ready in late June. All textbook information will be shared then as well. We will continue to partner with Christ Centered Bookstore for textbook purchases. The textbook lists will be updated/uploaded on the ECS website soon. Bear in mind that you will need to have your student’s class schedule before you can place your textbook order.

The 2023-2024 School Calendar:

The school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year is posted on the ECS website. We ask that you please reference it when scheduling family trips during the school year. The calendar is especially important to consider when scheduling holiday/summer travel since both are around semester and final exam times.

It has been an incredible year! We’ve certainly experienced some bumps along the way but all of the great times we have had this year certainly outweigh the tough ones. God is SO good and continues to be faithful! Thank you for sharing your students with us. We pray that you have a wonderful and safe summer full of fun and relaxation!

Final Exams are this week! Students may leave after their exams are finished on Wednesday and Thursday as long as they have written permission from a parent. Parents should email their child’s homeroom teacher to give permission to leave after exams.

Exam schedule listed below:

Tuesday, 6/6
– Bible exams will be taken during students’ regularly scheduled periods

Wednesday, 6/7
– English Exam 8:45 – 10:20 a.m.

– Science Exam 10:24 – 11:44 a.m. (students may check out for the day)

Thursday, 6/8
– Math Exam 8:14 – 9:40 a.m.

– History Exam 9:50 – 11:15 a.m. (students may check out for the day)

Thursday will be the last day for all students and teachers. Report cards, Stanford test results, as well as next year’s schedules will be mailed out in late June. Have a wonderful summer!

Middle and High School dress down days during exams:

Tuesday, 6/6 – Class shirt with jeans

Wednesday, 6/7 – Sentinel Spirit shirt with jeans

Thursday, 6/8 – Red and white shirt with jeans