It’s time for one of our favorite ECS traditions…Guess the Spring Musical 2024! Follow the link below to vote for what you think our Spring Musical is going to be. If you guess the correct show, you will be entered to win 4 VIP tickets to one of the performances!

Guessing opens Sunday, November 5th and closes Thursday, November 9th at 12pm. The musical choice will be revealed on Thursday, November 9th during 7th period! (Only one guess per person please!)

Our show will be April 25th-27th, 2024, so mark your calendars now! Also, if you are interested in sharing your time and talent on one of our Production Teams, please email Mrs. Jones at or Mrs. Villalobos at

Make your guess here:

Good luck!


Senior guidance meetings are currently being held on an as needed basis. Please email College Counselor, Mrs. Heredia (, to schedule a meeting.


Thank you to those who have been bringing in items for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. This project is a joint effort between students in all school divisions and students in NHS. High school students wishing to participate may bring in donated items to their homeroom. The homeroom with the most donations will receive a dress down day when we return from Thanksgiving Break on Monday, November 27th.

This is a required service project for all NHS members. NHS members should turn in their shoebox items to Ms. Collum.

The deadline for all donations is November 13th.

What a blessing to be a blessing!

Middle School News:
~ We had a blessed time at our “Recharge” chapels last week and we are thankful for all God is doing in our middle school students.
~ Our 1st Semester service project is in full swing. Please encourage your students to bring in items for us to pack shoeboxes for children around the world. Our goal is to pack 150 shoeboxes right here on our campus. In order to do this, we need all students to bring in items from the attached list (you may bring items listed on any color team). Students will receive community service hours for the time spent packing shoeboxes on campus.
~ November 13th is our Middle School Fall Play in the Fine Arts Theatre at 6:30 p.m.


Christmas Shoeboxes
Last day to bring in your filled Christmas Shoebox is November 13th. We have a goal of collecting 600 Shoeboxes! The first two classes with 100% participation will receive a pizza party!
FACCS Regional Spelling Bee
Congratulations to our Regional Spelling Bee Finalists! We are so proud of each of them for doing their very best in the competition. Please help us in congratulating the following students:
1st – 8th Grade Spelling Bee Champions Headed to State
Congratulations to the following students:
Violet McIntyre
John Couitinho
Judah Villalobos
Anniston McAfee
Isaac Mejía
Emily Wisner
Emma Weirich
Aiden Lee
Paxton Huff
Elena Casas
Savannah Stephenson
Thanksgiving Lunch
On Friday, November 17th we will be serving a special Thanksgiving lunch option for our students and their special visitor. Students may charge lunch to their lunch accounts. However, all special visitors would need to pay cash for their meal. Lunch is $6.50 and pie is $1.50. We look forward to spending this special time with you. Lunch times for this special event:
K4 10:00, 1st 10:15, 3rd 10:30, K5 10:45, 5th 11:00, 2nd 11:15, 4th 11:30. Please see your child’s study guide for a sign up link.
Here is the link for the live streaming of the lower school chapel:
The live link is available every Thursday 8:15-8:45.