Picture Retakes

Please log into https://shop.jostenspix.com/login and then there is a place on the top to click for retakes. This will notify the company as well as ECS that we need to send your child to the photographer on Monday, October 16th.

Early Dismissal

Lower School Dismissal begins at 11:30 on Wednesday, October 18th and we will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Students not picked up by 12:00 will be taken to extended care.

Fall Pictures

Fall Dress Up Pictures are Monday, October 23rd. K4-5th grade students may dress up in their Fall best for pictures.


We apologize that we are not able to invite parents to our lower school Chapel. The speakers have been fixed. However, we are experiencing other issues. We will let you know once we are able to invite visitors again.


• K4 – 12th grade yearbook picture retakes are Monday, October 16th. Students must be in their school uniform.
• Wednesday is an early dismissal day at 11:45 am
• MS/HS after school study hall will only be until 3:00 pm on Wednesday, October 18th.
• We will have a team building activity on Wednesday, October 18th. Please ask your child how their team is doing.

• In God’s word we are called to “exhort one another every day, as long as it is called ‘today,’ that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:13. This year in Middle School and High School the Teachers and Administration have developed a positive behavior recognition system we are calling, “GUARD the Day.” When students exhibit positive behavior, they can be rewarded with a “Guard the Day Merit” that is shared with parents via email. Students are then rewarded throughout the year in a variety of different ways. We hope that you and your students will be encouraged by this new system!


First Quarter in The Books

It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of this school year is in the books! Report cards will be sent out Friday, October 27.

Say Cheese….Again

This coming Monday, October 16th, is our yearbook picture retake day for all students in K4 – 12th grade. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken, please log into your Jostenspix account and choose retakes at the top of the home page. This will notify the school to send your child to the photographer for pictures. https://shop.jostenspix.com/login

If your child was absent on our initial picture day, you do not need to do anything other than send your child’s homeroom teacher an email reminding them of this. Once your child has been photographed, you will receive an email link to purchase the pictures. This includes Seniors! As a reminder, all students must be in their school uniform and in dress code for pictures. Hair must be in code and our young men must be clean shaven. October 16th will be the last day to have a school picture taken.

Show Your Spirit – Change in the Schedule

We have made a slight change to the Spirit and Class Shirt Day Schedule. October 16th, NOT October 18th, is a Sentinel Spirit Shirt Day. All students in grades 9-12 who purchased a Sentinel Spirit shirt may wear them on Monday, October 16th, with school approved jeans and sneakers of their choice. Just remember, if a student is having a school picture taken or retaken, he/she must wear a school uniform shirt for pictures. Students may change into their spirit shirt after their picture has been taken.

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

Administration for the PSAT/NMSQT will be on October 18th. These are standardized tests for ALL students in grades 9-11. Students must be at school ON TIME for these tests. Late students will not be permitted into a testing session. There will be no makeup tests for any student who is late or absent on this day. Additional information about the PSAT/NMSQT will be coming soon.

Long Weekend

Wednesday, October 18th, is an early release day. Students in grades 9-12 may dress in their normal Friday attire of any ECS shirt with uniform bottoms and uniform shoes. Dismissal is at 11:45am. The after school study hall will be available until 3:30pm. All students must be picked up by then. There will be no school on October 19th and 20th.

Attendance Reminders

Attendance is VITAL for academic success. Please make sure that your student is in attendance every day, every period, and is ON TIME each school day. As a reminder, students who are absent 10 or more days, excused or unexcused, within a semester, are considered to have excessive absences. Please see the Parent Student Handbook for further details about our attendance policy. For any student benefiting from the Empowerment Scholarship, it is imperative that they adhere to our attendance policy so as not to potentially lose scholarship funds.

Staying Informed

Parents are encouraged to review their student’s progress in Renweb. This is one of the best ways to stay informed and up-to-date with their student’s academics, attendance and behavior records.


Winter season sports are underway!…..and more!!

We have put together the attached schedule with a general overview of when try-outs will begin for each of our winter sports. We would encourage you to please reach out to the varsity coach to find out more about the sport your child is interested in!
Please note that there was a change in try-out dates for middle school soccer so check out the info form for the latest details.
(info attached)

Student-athletes who are participating in a fall sport but wish to try-out for a winter sport – you should finish strong for the fall team that you are currently participating on. However, please be in contact with your winter coaches so that they know you are interested in trying out and can work out a schedule with you regarding your try-out dates.

Student-athletes are not permitted to quit a fall sport in order to try out for a winter sport.

As a reminder, if your child is wanting to try-out for any team at ECS an Athletic Clearance account must be completed for the 2023-2024 school year prior to try-outs. The Athletic Clearance manual will help walk you through this process.

(Manual and physical forms below)
If you have questions about athletics or eligibility, please contact our Assistant Athletic Director, Jessica Everhart at JEverhart@goecs.org

If you are in grades 6-12 and are interested in trying out for softball this year, Coach Manetta will be holding an interest meeting after school on Monday, October 16th from 3:30-4:00pm at the softball field.