A New Face in the High School

ECS is pleased to announce our new College Counselor, Mrs. Samantha Heredia! We believe that having a dedicated College Counselor is vital to our school’s mission as a college preparatory Christian institution. It ensures that we can offer the ability to meet the guidance and college counseling needs at a higher level, while giving our students more opportunities for individualized attention from our counseling team. Ms. Collum will remain as our School Counselor and will continue to guide, mentor and counsel our students. As the College Counselor, Mrs. Heredia will eventually be taking on the important responsibilities that will significantly contribute to the college readiness of our high school students. Ms. Collum and Mrs. Heredia have been, and will continue to be, working side-by-side during this transitional year. We are thankful that the Lord brought Mrs. Heredia to us to join our high school team!

First Quarter….Check!

It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of this school year is in the books! Report cards will be sent out Friday, October 27th.

All Things Homecoming

Homecoming Week 2023 is this coming week, October 23-October 28. The week is packed with activities and events which will culminate with the Homecoming game on Friday (ECS vs. SFCA), and the Homecoming banquet on Saturday. Homecoming coronation of our Class Princes and Princesses and our Senior King and Queen will be at the Homecoming game on Friday. A few additional items of note are the powderpuff volleyball and football games and our daily dress down themes. All high school students and parents should have received an email from Mrs. Slater containing all of the Homecoming details!

In the Trees

Each year we have class bonding events for our different grades. This year, we will be having a day trip to Treeumph on November 6th for our Freshmen and on November 10th for our Sophomores. The cost per student is $75, and will include admission, transportation and water. Students should have received an email from Mrs. Castilla with payment information. The payment deadline for both trips is October 26th. This is a favorite among our students….don’t miss out!

Attendance Reminders

Attendance is VITAL for academic success. Please make sure that your student is in attendance every day, every period, and is ON TIME each school day. As a reminder, students who are absent 10 or more days, excused or unexcused, within a semester, are considered to have excessive absences. Please see the Parent Student Handbook for further details about our attendance policy. For any student benefiting from the Empowerment Scholarship, it is imperative that they adhere to our attendance policy so as not to potentially lose scholarship funds.

Staying Informed

Parents are encouraged to review their student’s progress in Renweb. This is one of the best ways to stay informed and up-to-date with their student’s academics, attendance and behavior records.


  • Our MS football team will be playing in the championship game on Tuesday, October 24th at Community School of Naples. Kick-off is scheduled for 6:00pm.
  • 7 middle schoolers will be participating in the FACCS Regional Spelling Bee at SHCA on Friday, October 27th.
  • Report Cards will be emailed home on Friday, October 27th.
  • Begin collecting items for Operation Christmas Child. This is a great way for us to show God’s love to children around the world.


Fall Pictures

Fall Dress Up Pictures are Monday, October 23rd. K4-5th grade students may dress up in their Fall best for pictures.

Pre-Order today on mylifetouch.com using Picture Day ID EVT89QRJ7


We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Gala on November 4th. This will be an extra special time as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary!

Christmas Shoeboxes

We are collecting Christmas Shoeboxes for our 2nd Quarter Mission Project. This is a great way to share the Gospel with others around the world.


We apologize that parents haven’t been able to attend Chapel the last couple of weeks. We are all sitting on the one side of the gym which limits our seating availability for guests. At this time we only have seating for the teachers and students. Make sure to ask your child about Chapel so they may share the message with you.

Christmas Concerts
All Christmas concerts will be in the gym.
Please plan on K4-5th being about thirty minutes. Our 6th-12th will be about 45 minutes.

Monday, December 11th

K4-K5 10:00

1st-2nd 11:45

3rd-4th 1:30

6th-12th 7:00

Tuesday, December 12th

5th Grade 10:00

Weekly Teacher Treats

Thank you so much for your donation of teacher treats. It is definitely one of our favorite days of the week and so appreciated.