Quarterly Celebration

Our 1st Quarter Celebration is Friday, October 13th. K4-5th will have fun playing on bounce houses in the gym. We can’t wait! October 13th is also the due date for all 1st quarter make up work. Please make sure to have everything turned in by this date.

Picture Retakes:

Please log into and then there is a place on the top to click for retakes. This will notify the company as well as ECS that we need to send your child to the photographer on Monday, October 16th.

Believe in Books

We collected 1,128 books for our first mission project. Thank you for helping to exceed our goal. Way to go!


We are having an issue with some of the speakers in the gym not working properly. This is causing us to move our seating to just one side of the bleachers. Until we are able to get the speakers fixed we will not be able to invite parents or other guests to our Chapel services. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Early Dismissal

Lower School Dismissal begins at 11:45 on Wednesday, October 18th and we will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Please pray for our teachers and admin as we head to Orlando for our FACCS Teacher Convention.

Fall Pictures

Fall Dress Up Pictures are Monday, October 23rd. K4-5th grade students may dress up in their Fall best for pictures.


  • Attendance: Students attending school is of the utmost importance for their academic success. Following our school’s attendance policy is a requirement of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC), the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO), and the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA). Students who do not adhere to our policy may jeopardize receiving these funds in the future. The ECS attendance policy in our handbook for middle and high school states: “If a student accrues 10 or more absences (excused or unexcused) in a semester in any class, extra work will be given for the student to complete in order for him/her to pass the class. The amount of work given will depend upon the number of absences. Failure to complete the additional work before the end of the semester will constitute a failure for the semester.”

  • Early Dismissal is Wednesday, October 18th! Students will be dismissed at 11:45 am for the day. There will be NO regularly scheduled middle or high school after care on this day. Students who normally attend after school care must be picked up by 3:00 p.m.

  • Picture Retakes for K4 – 12th grade will be on Monday, October 16th. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken, please log into your account and choose retakes at the top of the home page. This will notify the school to send your child for pictures.

  • Parent Service Hour opportunity helping with picture day:

  • 8th graders sign up for our trip to Boston at the following link: We are going to have an amazing time.


Testing, Testing, 1-2-3
SAT on a School Day, for Seniors who registered, is October 11th. Seniors taking this exam must arrive at school ON TIME. The College Board does not allow students to be permitted into a testing session late nor will they issue a refund if your student misses the test. For those Seniors who are not taking the SAT on this day, a College Visit Day has been designated for you. We encourage you to use school scheduled College Visit Days to tour potential colleges and universities as deadlines for some college applications are quickly approaching.
Administration for the PSAT/NMSQT will be on October 18th. These are standardized tests for ALL students in grades 9-11. Students must be at school ON TIME for these tests. Late students will not be permitted into a testing session. There will be no makeup tests for any student who is late or absent on this day. Additional information about the PSAT/NMSQT will be coming soon. THIS IS AN EARLY RELEASE DAY FOR ALL STUDENTS since teachers and administrators will be heading to the FACCS Convention in Orlando.
One Quarter (Almost) Down
It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of this school year is almost in the books! Quarter one ends on October 13th. All tests and quizzes must be made up by the end of day on this day. Makeup tests and quizzes may be made up before school, after school, or during a study hall. Report cards will go home October 23rd.
Attendance Reminders
Attendance is VITAL for academic success. Please make sure that your student is in attendance every day, every period, and is ON TIME each school day. As a reminder, students who are absent 10 or more days, excused or unexcused, within a semester, are considered to have excessive absences. Please see the Parent Student Handbook for further details about our attendance policy. For any student benefiting from the Empowerment Scholarship, it is imperative that they adhere to our attendance policy so as not to potentially lose scholarship funds.
Staying Informed
Parents are encouraged to review their student’s progress in Renweb. This is one of the best ways to stay informed and up-to-date with their student’s academics, attendance and behavior records.
Say Cheese….Again
Picture retake day is October 16th. Please log into to register for a retake. By doing so, Jostens and ECS will know which students to schedule and send for a retake. If you have emailed Mrs. Slater to request a retake, please go ahead and register online to reserve a spot. This includes Seniors! October 16th will be the last day to have a school picture taken.

Seniors! If you haven’t yet had your College Guidance meeting with Mrs. Heredia and Ms. Collum, please sign up as soon as possible outside of Ms. Collum’s office. If you do not need a meeting, please touch base letting them know your plans after graduation.