Lower School is currently hiring K4 teacher aides. Please complete an application if interested.


We have several parent service opportunities available for parents who like to help both on and off campus. Please see the parent service opportunities flyer for more information.


Last week was a great week in middle school. In chapel, our Middle School Praise and Worship Team did an amazing job leading us in praising the Lord in song, and we enjoyed hearing Mr. Rullo give his testimony. It is such a blessing to spend time worshipping together each week.
This week we will continue to celebrate students who have been “Guarding the Day,” and we will have our first grade level team building activity on Wednesday.
8th grade students can now sign up for the Boston trip at the following link: https://worldstrides.com/custom/2024-evangelical-christian-school-bos-210905/. Our 1st Blaze Pizza Night to help support our students going on the trip will be Monday, September 25th from 4 – 8pm. Come out to enjoy a fun night together!


Girls Weightlifting team had their first meeting and what a turnout. If any girl is interested in joining the team but was unable to attend the meeting, please find Coach Smith as soon as possible. Reminder that Open Weightrooms are happening on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30. Any girl wanting to attend must have their athletic clearance completed.
Anyone wanting to sport some Weightlifting team gear may purchase at this link. Hurry though because the shop closes on Wednesday!