Lower School Fun Run
Our first annual Fun Run was a HUGE success! We raised over $50,000.00. Special thanks to all of our students and their families for doing such a great job! We will be sending out updates to show what is purchased for each classroom. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Lower School will have Spiritual Emphasis Week February 5th-9th. Parents are welcome to attend. 2nd-5th Grade meets February 5th & 9th at 8:15 a.m. and K4-1st Grade meets February 6th & 8th at 8:15 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend and will need to enter through the gym.
Super Bowl Dress Down
Super Bowl Dress Down is on Friday, February 9th. Students may wear their favorite jersey or favorite team colors with jeans and choice of sneakers.
Valentine’s Day
Wednesday, February 14th, students may wear red and pink with jeans and choice of sneakers on Valentine’s Day.
Parent Service Hours Sign Up Genius Links
Upcoming After School Clubs
Please see the attached flyers for after school club opportunities.
- The Fine Arts Trip to Universal is this Thursday and Friday. Please pray for the safety of our students and chaperones and for them to have a wonderful time learning new skills.
- We will have a Team Building activity this Friday during 6th period.
- This Friday, 2/9, students may wear jeans with a shirt in the colors of the teams going to the Super Bowl or any sports team jersey with jeans.
- No School on Monday, February 19th in honor of President’s Day
Applications for NHS are due on February 9th for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. Hard copies of the application are available at the High School desk. Current NHS members need not apply. Please see Mrs. Heredia or Ms. Collum with any questions.
Once the NHS committee meets and eligibility is determined, parents of high school students who qualify will be contacted about the NHS Induction Ceremony on March 4th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Heredia (College Counselor – sheredia@goecs.org) or Ms. Collum (School Counselor – scollum@goecs.org).
Our annual CANDY GRAM sales will begin February 5th and will run through February 9th. Deliveries will be made on February 14th. This is a Junior class fundraiser with all proceeds going toward their Senior Trip. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Castilla (jcastilla@goecs.org) in the High School Office.
Friday, February 9th, we will be having a Super Bowl dress down day. Students may wear spirit wear or colors showing support for the Chiefs or 49’ers. If one can’t seem to bring themselves to show support for either of these teams, they may wear spirit wear or colors for the team that they had hoped would make it to the Super Bowl but didn’t. Students may wear school appropriate jeans (no rips, holes or tears) and sneakers of their choice. ALL attire must fit within dress code guidelines.
Beach Volleyball Try-outs
Who is eligible? ECS girls in grades 6th thru 12 grade
Try-out dates: Mon. (2/5), Tues. (2/6), Thurs. (2/8)
Times: 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: 326 SW 2nd Terrace, Cape Coral, FL 33991 (must provide own transportation)
Athletic Paperwork
All students trying out must be cleared through athletic clearance in order to participate in tryouts or the open court workout below.
You can log on to your Athletic Clearance account to check your child’s eligibility status. If you have questions about eligibility, please contact Mrs. Everhart by email at JEverhart@goecs.org