Goes1st Quarter has officially been completed!

It’s hard to believe we have completed our 1st quarter. Our students had an awesome time at the 1st Quarter Celebration! It was so sweet seeing everyone so excited as they entered the gym to find it filled with different bounce houses, slides, and relays. We can’t wait for our 2nd Quarter Celebration. So fun!

Report Cards

Report cards were emailed home on Friday.

We love our Chapel time!

We have recently made some adjustments to the seating and technology used during our Chapels. We are sharing the same Chapel set up as middle and high school as they have Chapel right after us each Thursday morning. This also allows us to use the large screen and projector which was mounted especially for Chapel. Unfortunately, with this new set up we no longer have seating space for visitors. We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to have the chapels live streamed each week.

Christmas Shoeboxes

You may pick up a shoebox at Hobby Lobby or Christ Centered. We also have some parents who have made donations of shoeboxes which will be distributed to students soon. We have a goal of collecting 600 Shoeboxes! The first two classes with 100% participation will receive a pizza party.

FACCS Regional Spelling Bee

Congratulations to our Regional Spelling Bee Finalists! We are so proud of each of them for doing their very best in the competition. Please help us in congratulating the following students:

1st – 8th Grade Spelling Bee Finalists

Violet McIntyre

Jude McReavy

John Couitinho

Drake Donovan

Judah Villalobos

Dash Bright

Ali Sample

Anniston McAfee

Isaac Mejía

Emily Wisner

Isla Bunnell

Adalynn Wilson

Spencer Van Horn

Andrew Janowski

Sebastian Scerbo

Emma Weirich

Hunter Huston

Colton Wofford

Aiden Lee

Paxton Huff

Jocelynn McReavy

Gabriel Franzone

Elena Casas

Savannah Stephenson

Sonali Anderson

Mrs. Rogers’ Kindness Club is beginning soon.

Please see the flyer for more information.

Thanksgiving Lunch

On Friday, November 17th we will be serving a special Thanksgiving lunch option for our students and their special visitor. Students may charge lunch to their lunch accounts. However, all special visitors would need to pay cash for their meal. We look forward to spending this special time with you. Lunch times for this special event: K4 10:00, 1st 10:15, 3rd 10:30, K5 10:45, 5th 11:00, 2nd 11:15, 4th 11:30. Here


  • We had a great week in middle school and enjoyed participating in several of the homecoming activities as well as our team building events.
  • 1st Semester Mission Project is here and the competition has begun to see how many shoeboxes we can fill to show God’s love in a tangible way to children around the world. See the attached flyer for ways your child can help. The more items we collect, the more shoeboxes your child can pack right here at school.
  • 8th grade Blaze Pizza fundraiser is tomorrow, Monday, October 30th. Make sure to show the flyer on your phone when you pay or mention code 1352A when ordering online. Help support our students going to Boston!
  • Our MS Drama class will be presenting their fall play on Monday, November 13th at 6:30pm in the Fine Arts Theatre.



We will be hosting the ACT on a School Day on October 31st for those Seniors and Juniors who registered. Students who are testing MUST arrive ON TIME. Anyone who arrives late will not be admitted to the testing room due to test regulations. Additionally, a refund will not be issued. Testers may sign out, with a parent note, after completion of the test. Seniors and Juniors not testing have a College Visit Day.

Recharge (Spiritual Emphasis) Is Coming!

From our Campus Chaplain, Mr. Hess:

For many years, we have set aside a series of days each semester to intensify our focus on the spiritual health and wellbeing of our students, staff, and administration. This year, the name has changed to “Recharge,” but the commitment to spiritual growth for our ECS family remains steadfast. We have set aside Nov. 2-3 this semester as our days of intense spiritual focus. The purpose of “Recharge” will be threefold – To maximize our students’ exposure to the truth of the Word. To emphasize the importance of our heart’s response to God’s truth. To realize that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings real hope, grace, and change to the real struggles we face and sins we commit. We’re blessed to have Pastor Chad Moore who serves as minister to students and families at McGregor Baptist Church as our speaker. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend these sessions.

From the Counselors

Once again, our NHS Members will be participating in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Collection. New this year, ALL high school students will be included in this project. Students should have received an email from Mrs. Heredia with information on specific items needed for this project as well as other important details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Collum or Mrs. Heredia.