We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported the shoebox mission project. Our school had set the goal to collect 600 boxes, and we received 574, which is an extraordinary achievement. It’s truly amazing to be a part of such a meaningful project that helps spread God’s word. We are immensely grateful to everyone who supported us. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.
Congratulations to third graders Emily Wisner and Anniston McAfee for their impressive performance in the FACC State Spelling Bee, with Emily winning first place and Anniston coming in second. We are SO Proud!
Help! Classes
With the end of the quarter/semester quickly approaching, this is a great time to review your student’s grades and to take advantage of the free Help Classes offered by our teachers, if needed. Remember, if you or your student has questions about a class, ask the teacher.
Quarter 2 Ends with Midterm Exams
Midterm exams are quickly approaching. The date for these exams is December 18-20. As a reminder, any and all missing/makeup work must be completed by end-of-day on Wednesday December 20th, as this will be the last day of the 2nd quarter. The office will close promptly at 4 pm. Students may make up missing tests and quizzes before or after school or during a study hall or resource period. The high school office opens at 7:30 am for students who need to make up missing tests or quizzes before school.
Semester 1 is quickly coming to a close. According to the Parent/Student Handbook that was signed at the beginning of the year, If a student accrues 10 or more absences (excused or unexcused) in a semester in any class, extra work will be given for the student to complete in order for him/her to pass the class. The amount of work given will depend upon the number of absences. Failure to complete the additional work before the end of the semester will constitute a failure for the semester.
If this applies to a student, they will be informed on or about December 8th regarding what the next steps are in this process.
I encourage you to check Renweb if you are in need of exact and up-to-date attendance information for your student(s). If you believe there is an error in your student’s attendance record, please reach out to Mrs. Allen in Student Services (callen@goecs.org). Please note, if your student is benefiting from the Family Empowerment Scholarship, and is found to have excessive school absences, funding could be in jeopardy. ECS is required to submit attendance records for all scholarship recipients at the end of each semester.
ECS Athletics has a few parent volunteer opportunities available throughout the winter basketball season. Please click the link below to sign up for the slots that best work for your schedule.